TOP>学会発表>国際学会 2007年
March meeting of American Physical Society
 2007年3月 5-8日 Denver, USA
  1. New insight into an underdoped regime of high Tc superconductivity
    - NMR Studies of Multi-layered Cuprates -

    Y. Kitaoka
  2. New phase diagram of ideally flat CuO2 plane
    - Cu-NMR study in Five-layered Cuprates -

    H. Mukuda, M. Abe, S. Shimizu, Y. Kitaoka, A. Iyo, H. Kito, Y. Tanaka, Y. Kodama, K. Tokiwa, T. Watanabe
  3. High-Tc superconductivity and antiferromagnetism on self-doped high-Tc cuprate Ba2Ca3Cu4O8F2

    S. Shimizu, H. Mukuda, Y. Kitaoka, A. Iyo, Y. Tanaka, Y. Kodama, K. Tokiwa and T. Watanabe
The 6th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Frontiers of Condensed Matter Science and Symposium on 20-years Anniversary of discovery of YBCO
 2007年4月 13-16日 Taipei, Taiwan
  1. NMR Study in Multilayered Cuprates

    H. Mukuda
  2. Cu- and F-NMR Studies on F-substituted Multilayered Cuprates (Poster)

    S. Shimizu, H. Mukuda, Y. Kitaoka, A. Iyo, Y. Tanaka, Y. Kodama, K. Tokiwa and T. Watanabe
Strongly correlated electron systems(SCES)
 2007年5月 13-18日 Houston, USA
  1. Phase diagram of high-Tc superconductor : Cu-NMR studies on multi-layered cuprate (Poster)

    H. Mukuda, M. Abe, S. Shimizu, Y. Kitaoka, A. Iyo, H. Kito, Y. Kodama, Y. Tanaka, K. Tokiwa, T. Watanabe
  2. Intimate interplay between superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in CeNiGe3: A 73Ge-NQR study under pressure (Poster)

    A. Harada, H. Mukuda, Y. Kitaoka, A. Thamizhavel, Y. Okuda, R. Settai, Y. Onuki, K. M. Itoh, E. E. Haller, and H. Harima
  3. Unconventional Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetic Quantum Phase Transition in CeRhIn5: 115In-NQR study under pressure (Poster)

    M. Yashima, S. Kawasaki, H. Mukuda,Y. Kitaoka, H. Shishido, R. Settai, Y. Onuki
  4. 63Cu- and 19F-NMR studies on underdoped regimes in self-doped multilayered cuprates (Poster)

    S. Shimizu, H. Mukuda, Y. Kitaoka, A. Iyo, H. Kito, Y. Kodama, Y. Tanaka, K. Tokiwa, T. Watanabe
Joint 21st AIRAPT and 45th EHPRG International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology
 2007年9月 17-21日, Catania, Italy
  1. 73Ge, 135Ba, 137Ba-NMR and ab initio calculation on type-III clathrate Ba24Ge100 (Poster)

    F. Kanetake, A. Harada, T. Rachi, H. Nagara, H. Mukuda, K. Kusakabe, Y. Kitaoka, N. Suzuki, K. Tanigaki, K. Itoh, E. E. Hallar
2nd International Workshop on "Materials Science and Nano-Engineering"
 2007年12月 1-5日, Awaji, Japan
  1. Unconventional Superconductivity and Magnetism in Strongly Correlated Electrons Systems

    Y. Kitaoka, H. Mukuda, S. Shimizu, Y. Yamaguchi
  2. Novel superconducting state of heavy-fermion compounds CePt3Si and CeIrSi3 without inversion symmetry: -NMR Studies-(Poster)

    H. Mukuda, S. Nishide, T. Fujii, T. Ohara, A. Harada, M. Yashima, Y. Kitaoka, M. Tsujino, Y. Okuda, R. Settai, Y. Onuki
  3. Antiferromagnetism and high-Tc superconductivity in multilayered cuprates -NMR study-(Poster)

    Y. Yamaguchi, H. Mukuda, S. Shimizu, Y. Kitaoka, A. Iyo, M. Shirage, Y. Tanaka, K. Tokiwa, T. Watanabe
  4. Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity in Aplical-Fluorine Multi-layered Cuprates(Poster)

    S. Shimizu, H. Mukuda, T. Sakaguchi, Y. Kitaoka, A. Iyo, H. Kito, Y. Kodama, Y. Tanaka, K. Tokiwa, T. Watanabe
  5. Magnetic Structure in CeRhIn5 under Pressure : 115In-NQR study(Poster)

    M. Yashima
  6. Uniform coexistence of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in CeNiGe3 probed by 73Ge-NQR under pressure(Poster)

    A. Harada, H. Mukuda, Y. Kitaoka, A. Thamizhavel, Y. Okuda, R. Settai, Y. Onuki, K. M. Itoh, E. E. Haller, H. Harima
  7. 73Ge- and 135,137Ba-NMR and ab initio calculation on type-III clathrate Ba24Ge100(Poster)

    F. Kanetake, A. Harada, T. Rachi, H. Nagara, H. Mukuda, K. Kusakabe, Y. Kitaoka, N. Suzuki, K. Tanigaki, K. Itoh, E. E. Hallar
特定領域研究「異常量子物質の創製 -新しい物理を生む新物質-」成果報告会
 2007年1月 5-7日 東京
  1. NMR study in Multilayered Cuprates

    H. Mukuda
 2007年6月5日 京都
  1. 反転対称性のない重い電子系物質のNMR実験の現状

    椋田 秀和
 2007年9月 21-24日 東大物性研(柏)
  1. 磁気秩序と共存する超伝導状態の低温高圧下NQR測定

    原田淳之,椋田秀和,北岡良雄,Thamizhavel Arumugamu,奥田悠介,摂待力生,大貫惇睦,伊藤公平,E.E.Haller,播磨尚朝
 2007年11月 20-22日 倉吉
  1. 反強磁性体CeNiGe3における圧力誘起超伝導:高圧下NQR測定

    原田淳之,川崎慎司,椋田秀和,北岡良雄, 芳賀芳範,山本悦二, Arumugamu Thamizhavel,奥田悠介,摂待力生,大貫惇睦, 伊藤公平, E.E.Haller, 播磨尚朝
「新しい物理を生む新物質」若手の会 第三回会議
 2007年12月 21-22日 熱海
  1. 超伝導体Y2C313C-NMR測定

    原田淳之,寺崎伸幸, 椋田秀和,北岡良雄,芥川智思,秋光純
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